Birthday Weekend, Part II

The setup:


The delivery:

dsc_0141The result:

At first, Desi didn’t know what to do. He poked at the cake a bit, but he wasn’t really into it. He got a little frosting on his lip, but he wasn’t a big fan. However, over time, he warmed up to the idea of demolishing the cake and throwing it around the room.

He was a bit timid at first

He was a bit timid at first

But he eventually realized he liked the squishy feeling of the cake between his fingers.

But he eventually realized he liked the squishy feeling of the cake between his fingers.

This boy has been a joy to his parents. We’ve all had a pretty good year. Des is big and healthy. He sleeps pretty well, and he eats pretty well. He doesn’t want to walk without help yet, and he doesn’t like sippy cups. But his laughter is contagious, and he laughs often. Hopefully by this time next year, he can learn to change his own diaper and mow the lawn.


3 Responses

  1. Oh, happy belated birthday my future son-in-law! Love this kid!

  2. Just 20 years to go, Ligia.

  3. Happy Birthday Des! He is SO cute! Love the “hunting” pictures.

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