Crazy Times at Church

Church used to be so boring. Now it’s chaotic. I know that’s pretty pathetic considering we have only one child, but it’s true nonetheless.

We have sacrament meeting during the first hour, and I usually have to help prepare the sacrament and bless or pass it. By the time I get back to our pew, Mari and Desi are usually out in the hallway, so I go to relieve Mari so she can sit in peace and listen and/or prepare for Relief Society.

Last Sunday, Mari was upset because when I went out to relieve her, Desi was just about to grace her with one of his all-too-rare-and-getting-rarer kisses. It was just like in the movies. Mari had her cheek in place to receive the kiss, and Desi was inching his mouth forward for the kiss when I showed up and ruined the moment.

Desi is not a fan of nursery. We aren’t sure if it’s the chaos, or if he’s just very shy. He shrieks as soon as we leave the room, and is pretty unstable, switching between playing and crying throughout nursery.

Mari is a softie, so if she hears him crying, she’ll pull him out and carry him for a while. I let him be.

But both Mari and I are usually busy during the third hour of church-her with Relief Society and me with the Young Men-so we have no choice but to let him cry for a while, at least.
Anyway, here are a few pictures I snapped on Sunday with my Blackberry Bold. The pictures on this camera never turn out well. If I can fix them up later, I’ll update the post.


Mari and I often cross our legs while we’re standing around. Desi picked up on it, although he hasn’t caught on that you can rest your crossed foot on the ground.

Very Mature

I’m not sure where Desi picked this up, since I am too inflexible to rest my ankle on my knee. I always end up with my knee sticking up and it’s uncomfortable and inconvenient for writing.

A perfect fit

The stairs to the podium make great bunk beds for 1-2 year olds.

7 Responses

  1. I just realized that Desi isn’t resting in the third picture-he’s practicing ninja skills of blending into the shadows.

  2. That is one seriously cute kid!
    Josh had a hard time with nursery too. I ended up working in the nursery because I had to be there anyway with him. The other kids went without much fuss. Kate basically said, “see ya later!” and went straight in.

  3. Amen to all of that. That is our life with Mia. Claire is SO much easier at church, so much easier. It has given me some relief to know it won’t always be like this. I have created a chuch bag to entertain during sacrament mtg. I have plans to make 4 of them and rotate them each week of the month. Good luck with Des. He is such a cutie. I sure hope Claire will like nursery, Mia still doesnt like it much.

  4. Des on the stairs made me think of rolling down the stairs in our backyard in the food storage barrels.
    Looks like Mari might be teaching nursery soon:)

  5. NONE of my kids would ever go to nursery! Then, the day they became a Sunbeam they went to Primary just fine. No tears, no fuss. Very strange.

  6. It is so good to see you guys and read about your family! Desi is darling! We have a private blog that I keep updated. Send me an email address and I’ll get you an invite.

  7. Oh he is just way too cute! I love him leaning up against the stove and crossing his legs. What a crack up! He’s fine if he doesnt like nursery, he is perfect and can do whatever he wants.

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