Happy Un-birthday to You!

Last month, the Menzies and the Charlottesville Ellsworths converged here in Maryland for the weekend.  I think it’s amazing that the Becky, Wayne, and family go out of their way to travel so far to be with family so often.  That is not an easy trip.

Once everyone got here, we visited the zoo and museums, and surprised the kids with a great un-birthday party, presented by Becky, Julee, and Mari.  Becky blogged the party very well here, so I won’t repeat it, but here are some additional highlights. (Update: Julee blogged the party here.  (Password required))

Dan went to give Ceseley a bath, and Ceseley gave Dan a present. (If you can’t see it in the picture, he’s all wet)

Dan takes a bath, too.  Just not with water

Dan takes a bath, too. Just not with water

The kids had noise-makers, but you had to blow really, really hard before any sound came out.  (It reminded me of this skit on Whose Line Is It Anyway? (“It’s one of those silent ones.  It really irritates dogs”)).


Blue candy gems turned Caroline’s mouth blue.


I’m pretty sure I told them to smile…



We got the cousins together for a photo…


And then we tried to get the little kids together for a picture.  We tried clapping, zerberting, and shouting their names, but all we got was a pained look from Desi, Ceseley admiring our lawn (it is very healthy right now, I must admit), and Wesley refusing to sit.


And then they were done.

"I'm outta here.  If you want more pictures, call my agent."

"I'm outta here. If you want more pictures, call my agent."

One Response

  1. the silent noise makers were hilarious. A mom designed those. Although, miraculously on the car ride home one of our kids’ noise makers started to work. We’re so lucky!

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